Angeles Philippines Mission
David and I have been called by a Prophet of God to serve as a Mission President over the Philippines, Angeles Mission for three year starting July 1,2011, which is English speaking. We are quickly learning that Tagolog is the national language and our missionaries will teach mostly in Tagolog, and therefore it would be advantageous to learn a little Tagolog. David doesn't understand what the word a little means so he is spending Four or five hours a day studying the language with the help of a MTC tutor, Josh who returned from a Philippines mission in October 2010.
We are traveling every month to visit our children as we understand that an eighteen hour plane trip not counting several hours layover between stops and then a three hour car drive from Denton Texas, to the mission will be a little difficult traveling with two or three children. David has worked so hard Getting ever available means of communication set up that will make calling children and grandchildren affordable, as he realizes Deanie will talk so he has to figure out how to keep it affordable.
we have learned a few things from people who have served there, they try hard not to scare me, but it is amazing the things I've been told, it is harder than anything you can imagine, spiders the size of eight inch dinner plates, TB is the 2nd highest cause of death in that country. if I was easily scared off, I would have already said, this is not for me, however, we are serving the Lord, so we'll go wherever he calls, and that is Angeles . Deanie had to laugh when she heard about the spiders, since she Hates spiders, but she says, this may turn out to be a three year "GIRL'S CAMP" She says she went to girls camp and she hated the bugs, the heat and the dirt, but she had many wonderful spiritual experiences, and so she learned to LOVE GIRL'S CAMP, and we will learn to LOVE the PHILIPPINES.